۱۳۸۷ آذر ۸, جمعه


امروز یک presentation ساده در حد 5 دقیقه رو اساس گند زدم. یعنی اساس خجالت وار ......................
بعدش آنچنان خود زنی کردم که واسه خودم عجیب بود. مثل این کلاس اولی ها که نمره 19.75 می گیرن و بعدش 1 ساعت زر می زنن.
خدایا مرا چه میشود ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
یعنی کارایی میکنم که واسه خودم کاملاً یه ضد ارزشه. مثل تلاش مذبوحانه واسه نمره بالا گرفتن بدون درک درستی از محتوا !!!!!!!!!!

۱ نظر:

Allan Race Starr گفت...

I wouldn't blame myself for feeling frustrated at ruining the presentation.
Same as you believe you shouldn't blame yourself for ruining the presentation in the first place.
Everything that happens, happens for a reason.
And I bet you can find scores of reasons to be mad at everything at the moment. (And the most available being: poor yourself!)
Whenever we get angry with anyone (including ourselves), it's because we have simply overlooked one part of the truth (or reality to be more exact).

So, relax and cut yourself some slack.

Of course I know an "I know how you are feeling." Or "Come on! You are doing great." or even a simple "Take it easy!" would be more appropriate; but what can I do? "Old habits die hard!", so they say!

Miss you.